LO1 report
Aims and Objectives The aims of the just do it campaign was to raise brand awareness with Nike saying that the meaning of the slogan of just do it as being both "universal and intensely personal". However the campaign was also used to show that an average person can do what the athletes are doing too. This was shown by Nike creating an advert of an old man running over a bridge portraying the message that an old person can do it too. The next adverts were all along the same theme saying that all different types of people can do what they want to do. This ad campaign was hugely successful even turning just do it into their official logo in 1988. Their aim with the campaign was to target all Americans regardless of age, ethnicity or fitness level which is why on the adverts there are people which aren't your typical athletes. However Nikes main objective was to represent their clothing as fashion instead of just fitness gear. This ad campaign was also Nikes first major tel...